Define your Mentoring Goals Today

Defining your needs and goals before contacting a mentor makes the mentor’s job easier. Unfortunately, it’s a step many people struggle with. With that said, part of a mentor’s job can be helping you define these objectives in the first place. If you’ve subscribed to Élo, it’s because you understand the benefits of mentorships and, in fact, recognize the process as an objective in and of itself.
At Élo, we want to make your life easier. To get the ball rolling, we’ve prepared a few objective examples.

Click on an objective below to see how to get the conversation started.

Develop skills related to my domain

Expand my professional network

Manage the challenges of a new position

Launch or carry out an entrepreneurial project

Get help entering in the job market

Network with experienced professionals on various topics

Better manage stress and obstacles at work

Get a promotion and plan my career

Indeed, you needn’t look far to find the mentoring resources you need to achieve your goals.

And if you can’t find a mentor with your specific job experience, no worries. A truly qualified mentor doesn’t need to be a specialist in your position, company, or even industry!

No reason to keep postponing—say hello to a qualified mentor today!

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