Meet Myriam and Nicolas: a winning mentorship match

"I didn’t have any specific goals in mind. [...] Given that my needs weren’t yet clearly defined, I was curious to explore the different perspectives of others in my field. "

Wondering how to connect with a mentor on Elo? Hesitant on what your needs are or how to get the conversation started?

You’re not alone! Myriam Rivière, who was new to the field of philanthropy, also had some apprehensions when first reaching out to her current mentor Nicolas Dedek, Director of Philanthropic Development at the UQAM Foundation. However, once the conversation got rolling, she knew she made the right move.

Recently, we spoke with Myriam, Advisor for Philanthropic Development at Academos, and Nicolas—their mentorship began in January and quickly flourished.

How did the first contact take place?

MR: "Reaching out was super easy! I wrote to him introducing myself, telling him that his profile and career path appealed to me [...] He immediately responded with enthusiasm and asked how I wanted to proceed. Unsure of what I actually wanted out of a mentorship, I kept things open and simply replied that our exchanges over the platform would certainly be helpful and that it might be interesting if we met up at some point."

How does your mentoring role with Myriam play out?

ND: "We exchange a lot on the platform to address different challenges. Myriam communicates issues she foresees in the short, medium, and long term while I share my observations and recommendations. Also, I provide her with several tips & tricks—things that come only with experience. Specifically, I discuss the strengths and qualities required to succeed in our profession, along with common pitfalls. It’s a mix of theory and real-world insight. I open up about everything I’ve seen, encountered, and learned throughout my career.

What has this mentorship taught you thus far?

MR: "It helps me stay on track and ask the right questions. My role is very specific. It must be built from the ground up […] Gaining insight from someone as experienced as Nicolas, who comes from a similar industry, is very rewarding. I take his advice into account when testing out my own ideas.”

Which of Elo’s benefits stuck out to you the most (finding a mentor, communicating with a mentor, etc.)?

MR: "Elo helps you connect with people who aren’t necessarily in your immediate network. It’s certainly exciting to talk to people in my field, but also just as exciting to hear from people with totally different areas of expertise."

What do you personally get out of this mentoring relationship?

ND: "It's an extremely rewarding experience. I’m excited to interact with this next generation of professionals. Don’t get me wrong; at 43, I’m nowhere near the end of my career. Nevertheless, it’s important to have these young minds well prepared as they enter the workforce. I’m very proud to be a part of the process."

What would you say to users hesitant about contacting a mentor for the first time?

MR: "It may feel a little intimidating at first, especially when you don’t have any specific questions in mind and simply want to expand your horizons. But remember, these people are here to share their knowledge and experience. They want to help. It would be a shame to not take advantage of the opportunity!”

Following Myriam’s advice, you needn’t wait for a major challenge before reaching out to a mentor. In fact, contacting a mentor before such challenges arises can be a big advantage; the partnership readies you for everything you’ll likely encounter down the road.

Do like Myriam and get the ball rolling—enrich your professional life by contacting a mentor today!

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